- Make sure your grill is clean. A dirty grill will lead to flair ups, unnecessary smoke and can add bad flavors to your food. This includes cleaning the food that has fallen into the grill, and grease deposits at the bottom. Taking the grates out and burner covers off will help you give your grill a thorough cleaning. You will definitely notice a difference.
- Remember that sugar burns at 265 degrees F. That is why when you are cooking foods with a sugary sauce or rub, to slowly cook them at a low temperature. If you cook them quickly it’ll cause them to burn and blacken prematurely.
- Use the correct temperature. Just because a grill has a max setting, doesn’t mean you have to use it. Thin cuts of pork and beef, including patties, should be cooked at high temperatures and quickly. This helps seal in the juices. Fish, chicken and vegetables should be grilled at a medium temperature. Any large cuts of meat, or whole poultry, should be cooked on a low temperature. Minding the temperature, and being patient, will improve the overall quality of the meal you are preparing.

Here at Modern Propane, we take grilling seriously and want
you all to enjoy your time at the grill. If you are looking for propane and
propane accessories, contact Modern Propane today. You can also visit our
showroom and view our all of our propane grills. We also offer New Jersey propane delivery through our JackGas company.
Modern Propane
199 Route 46 West
Lodi, NJ 07644